I am deeply grateful for your confidence and support in me as your next mayor of Durham.



Durham People's Alliance PAC

I am proud and humbled to be endorsed by the People’s Alliance PAC, another historical organizing body in Durham. Thank you for your confidence in me to be your next mayor, and I will continue to work to earn your support in the coming months. I am hopeful that we can create a future we all deserve. We can do this together.

“Councilmember Leonardo Williams received the endorsement for Mayor of Durham. The membership believes he has made good use of his time on City Council, learning how to effectively enact change that benefits the Durham community while working towards consensus and coalition building with people he does not always agree with on difficult policy decisions. As Mayor, this skill will be necessary to re-center and focus our next council on the work needed to ensure Durham remains home for all of our residents. 

Leo continues to demonstrate a willingness to forge consensus and is best positioned to bring our governing board to the articulation of a shared vision for governance that meets the moment Durham is facing, including legislative attacks, lack of affordable housing, and the need for a regional multi-modal transit plan. Leo continues to build relationships, adjust his strategy and tactics and influence the culture that enables our city to move forward.”

Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People

It’s my honor to announce that I have received the endorsement of the Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People, an organization with a powerful legacy in our city. As a devoted servant of Durham, deeply connected to our history and fiercely dedicated to our city’s future, I am grateful for your support, and I commit to continue to honor and steward the exceptional legacy of the DCABP.

“Williams is focused on supporting affordable living for ALL of Durham’s residents, transportation, infrastructure, and the citywide apprenticeship program to address job vacancies and livable wages.”

Durham For All

As your candidate for Durham’s next mayor, I am excited and honored to have received the endorsement of Durham For All, a multiracial, cross-class organization led by people of color and working people. I look forward to working with you to achieve our vision for a future we ALL deserve.

“Leonardo Williams is a small business owner and sitting Durham City Council Member who was elected in 2021. He is capable of holding diverse sets of relationships and maintaining high quality rapport with his colleagues. Leonardo believes businesses (big and small) have a responsibility to the communities they are in as well as their employees. Through his work on the Joint City-County Planning Committee and his City Council voting history, he has proven to be a reliable supporter of public transportation policies that make Durham less car centric (e.g., working to bring Bus Rapid Transit system to Durham). Additionally, he has been a reliable vote on approving housing developments that will benefit from the city’s expanding public transportation. He has also demonstrated great leadership skills by proposing innovative ideas to increase the city’s revenue (income) and by being solution-oriented when the city has faced less than ideal circumstances and decisions.”

NC Asian Americans Together in Action

Thank you so much to NCAAT in Action for endorsing me for mayor of Durham! North Carolina Asian Americans Together in Action supports our communities and empowers them to be engaged in democracy. I am thankful for their work in the state and in Durham. Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in North Carolina and our own city deserve to have their voices heard and their needs represented. I am committed to ensuring we all have a place in Durham!

“Leonardo Williams has served his community for years through his work in education, non-profits, and most recently, as a member of the Durham City Council. Williams is a staunch advocate for affordable housing, equitable economic development, and a sustainable city, using his experience as a small business owner and Durham citizen to advocate for marginalized communities, including the Asian American community. Issues that directly impact the Asian American community have been key issues in Williams’ campaign, including supporting immigrant and refugee communities, improving public safety and addressing gun violence, and increasing diversity on decision-making commissions throughout the city.”

Equality NC Action Fund PAC

I am honored to be endorsed by the @equalitync Action Fund. Equality North Carolina builds LGBTQ+ power through advocacy, education, and uplifting the stories of queer and trans North Carolinians in pursuit of racial and social justice. During these trying times of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and rhetoric, I am proud to be a part of their mission and to ensure EVERYONE has a place here in Durham. You are seen. You are heard. You are valued here.

Thank you INDY Week for your vote of confidence! It’s already been an incredible journey, and I look forward to continuing to earn your vote, Durham!

Read more on their endorsement here!

I am honored and thankful to announce that I have received the endorsement of the Ironworkers Association of the Mid-Atlantic States and Local 848 of the Carolinas!
The Ironworkers Association represents the hardworking and skilled tradespeople in our community. I believe in leading us into the future through supporting trades that uplift our community, offering stability and growth for our city. It’s about more than just buildings; it’s about building futures. Let’s build a Durham that we all deserve!

“Ironworkers Association of the Mid-Atlantic States and Local 848 of the Carolinas represents hundreds of construction tradesmen and women in the Carolinas, including apprentices and journeymen who build our transportation and energy infrastructure, schools, commercial and industrial buildings, and everything in-between. Additionally, our union hosts a Department of Labor registered apprenticeship program which trains individuals of all backgrounds and ages in the construction industry.
We believe Leonardo Williams is the right person to help our building trade continue to grow and offer more opportunities for the tradespeople in Durham. He sees the potential which the trades bring to the community, including family-sustaining wages and benefits, and the pathway to the middle-class.”

📢ATTENTION DURHAM📢 Municipal election are NOW and our Durham endorsement committee put in WORK to come up with questions, interview candidates and see who is down with our values and will fight alongside our gente. Here are our endorsements for Durham: @javiera4durham @khalilah4durham @carlfordurham and @leofrombullcity!!

Your vote matters!

Election Info

Voter Registration Deadlines

  • Friday, September 15th at 5:00 pm for the October 10th, 2023 Municipal Primary and Election.
  • Friday, October 13th at 5:00 pm for the November 7th, 2023 Municipal General Election.

One-Stop Early Voting:

  • Thursday, September 21st to Saturday, October 7th for the October 10th, 2023 Municipal Primary and Election.
  • Thursday, October 19th to Saturday, November 4th for the November 7th, 2023 Municipal General Election.
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